In Game Performance

Our in game testing showed similar improvements like what we saw in 3DMark 11 in Street Fighter, Batman Arkham Aslylum, and Battlefield 3 with each getting a big jump in performance. BF3 fans will be happy to know the HD 7870 jumped up 10 FPS, to over 65 FPS, that should smooth things out. Of course some games like Crysis 2 didn’t show any improvement with results coming in around 5 FPS under the GTX 660. Sniper V2 Elite and Dirt Showdown both showed great numbers with the PCS+ HD7870 out performing all three GTX 660’s that we have tested in the past. Frankly all of our results were more than playable, and in everything other than Crysis 2, you will actually get 60+ FPS. That means you can jump into almost any game at 1080p and run it with the settings turned all the way up, not bad for a single card, especially considering there are a few faster cards from AMD available.

wm batman

wm bf3

wm crysis2dx9

wm crysis2dx11

wm dirt3

wm dirtshowdown

wm f12011

wm shogun2

wm sniperv2

wm streetfighter

wm unrealheaven


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