CM Storm Sonuz

titleWe have looked at products from the CM Storm line up before. Most recently we took a look at the CM Storm Scout 2 case. We also took a look at the CM Storm Sirius not too long ago. Of course we know that headsets are a key part of any gaming setup – what is the point of having a pretty kick-ass rig if you can’t hear the guy sneaking up behind you? Really it is more than just gaming; personally I listen to a lot of music via my headset, so that is also high on my list of qualifications. The Sonuz might just fit the bill – today we are going to find out.

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Asus Vulcan ANC

titleA few weeks ago we took a look at the Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus audio card. Asus, with its Xonar brand, has made a big name for themselves in the audio card market. When it comes to things to attach to their sound cards, they are a little less known. They really introduced a new gaming headset with built in Active Noise Canceling. When I hear about this, I couldn’t help but think about all of the times I’ve been at a LAN and wished I could cutout the hum of 100+ gaming PCs. Because of that I jumped at the chance to take a closer look. How will the active noise canceling work out in a gaming headset?

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Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus

titleIn the PC audio world, there is a major divide as far as people who find onboard audio more than enough and users who absolutely must run a sound card. In recent years, onboard sound has improved considerably. But no matter how much they improve it, it main flaw is being on the motherboard itself and not a separate circuit. When it comes to sound cards, there are just a few top manufactures with Asus being one. Asus recently introduced a new sound card focused on the gaming market under their ROG (Republic of Gaming) line called the ROG Xonar Phoebus. I’ve had it running in my gaming system, today we will talk about my experience thus far.

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Corsair Vengeance 2000 Wireless Headset

titleOf all of the headsets that we have had into the office, almost every headset at some point in time has ended up tangled up in the wheels of my office chair. With wired headsets you either end up with too short of a cord or so much that you are running it over like me. Wireless is an interesting option but the wireless headsets available haven’t been interesting for the most part. Seeing Corsair bring out a wireless headset, I had to get my hands onto one to see if they live up to Corsairs growing reputation. After getting the Vengeance 2000 wireless gaming headset in and spending a few weeks we can go over their performance, comfort, and find out if wireless is the way to go.

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Clar1tyOne Earbuds EB110

titleThe headphone and earbud market is over saturated to say the least, anymore to break into the market you need to have a big name or an innovative idea. Before CES we were contacted by a company named Clar1tyOne, wanting us to take a look at their new earbuds. After getting them in and taking them along with us for multiple trips, LANs, and even a few trips around the yard while mowing we are finally going to show you guys what they are all about. Be sure, this isn’t the same old set of ear buds.

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Cooler Master Storm Sirus

frontRegardless of what type of gamer you are or what type of games you play, communication is vital. Being able to hear what's happening around and relay that to your team could decide if you'll have bragging rights for the rest of the LAN party or go home with a $10,000 cash prize. We've put many entries from Cooler Master's Storm gaming line to our test, but today we sit down with the company's first audio solution. All that’s left is to see if it lives up to the highest of standards. In a sea of great competition; it's going to need to. 

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Corsair SP2500 2.1 PC speaker system

titleThis year at CES Corsair introduced their SP2500 2.1 PC speaker system to the world. At the press conference, more than one person was a little skeptical after hearing its MSRP of almost $250. After spending a little time with the speakers during our booth tour I could see the potential, but with all of the noise on the floor at CES it can sometimes cover up the bad. Having the opportunity to get one of our own I was excited to see what it is really capable of. Let's jump in.

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Corsair HS1A Gaming Headset

titleIt’s rare to find a company that consistently hits home runs with their products, even more so in the tech industry with how quickly things change. Corsair is one of the few companies that have been consistently innovating in the industry over the past few years with introductions into PSU’s, Audio, and cooling. Because of that when they introduced their HS1A Gaming Headset a lot of people took notice, including us. Today we are going to take a listen to them and see if Corsair hit another home run or just a base hit.

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Razer Ferox

titleWhen you’re travailing you are normally limited to headphones or the built in speakers on your laptop or mp3 player. It’s really no surprise that the audio quality on those speakers isn’t the best. A good pair of headphones can sound great but you may find them to be a little more uncomfortable after long use and you are limited to only one person listing at once. We have a seen a few different variations of portable speakers but typically audio quality still leaves a little to be desired. When Razer introduced their Ferox portable speakers I was a little hesitant, but excited to see what they could do in the market. Let’s bust them out and see how they perform.

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Samson Go Mic

titleThe pinhole-sized microphone input on your laptop is obviously not going to give the highest quality audio. For podcasters and some business people you just can’t accept anything but the best quality. Samson has a product for that core group of people called the Samson Go Mic. A USB powered high quality microphone that uses the high quality components of a studio microphone, but designed to be packed up with your notebook.

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Choiix Boom Boom

frontHow many times have you tried watching a Youtube video on your laptop/netbook and have not been able to hear the audio? The itty-bitty speakers they put in most of them are about worthless. Sure, plugging in any old set of speakers will give you better sound, but do you want to lug those things around with you to the coffee shop? You might as well be "that guy" who brings the whole office and sets up shop there. Wouldn't you rather have one that slips into a side pocket of your bag and doesn't weight a ton? The Choiix Boom Boom may have a funny funny name, but it could just be the answer to your sonic woes.

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SteelSeries 7H Headset

titleSteelSeries has stuck with the 5H as their flagship headset for some time now so it was kind of a surprise when they announced the 7H a few months ago. Not wasting any time I made it known multiple times that I was very interested to take a look at their newest flagship headset. It's hard not to get a little excited, we enjoyed the Siberia v2 series when we tested them and we know their 5H series has a large following as well. What could possibly follow in those large footsteps?

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Ozone Strato USB Headset

titleToday I have the chance to take a look at the Strato Headset from Ozone. Previously, we took a look at their Smog during mouse week and their ground level mouse pads soon after. They obviously have a strong focus on gaming. I hope that focus carries over to the Strato headset; I plan on putting it to the test in a few too many sessions of Modern Warfare 2.

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Mionix Keid 20

015_resize_watermarkNamed after a triple system that lies light-years away from Earth, the Keid is Mionix's first contender in the gaming audio realm. Mionix strives to create professional yet ergonomic products, two criteria kept well in mind during the development of their maiden headset. Today we sit down to see if the Keid 20 shines brightly or fades away.

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SteelSeries Siberia v2

siberiav2_7Always looking to perfect their products, SteelSeries recently introduced a redesigned version of their popular Siberia headset called the Siberia v2. We had great things to say about the original in our review of them this past September, now we have a opportunity to see what kind of changes they could do to an already great headset.

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Razer Moray+

IMG_5890_lrEarly this year I had the chance to check out a new and exciting pair of ear buds from Razer called the Moray. Overall I was very happy with them but I felt that they needed more of a gaming edge coming from Razer. Not long after our review they announced the Moray+. Apparently Razer was thinking the same thing as us because the Moray+ addressed that issue specifically. Today I have a chance to take a look at the Moray+ and see how there improvements helped.

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SteelSeries Siberia Full-Size headset

IMG_5630-lrIt wasn’t that long ago that I took a close look at the SteelSeries Siberia Neckband headset. My complaints almost all came from the neckband holding the headset up. Steel Series does make a Siberia headset that has a standard headband. Today I have the chance to test it out, and to spice things up a little bit this one is bright red, If my wife’s excitement is any indication the Siberia Full-Size headset should be nice.

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Sennheiser PC-350 Gaming Headset

IMG_5132 [lr] [lrsm]When it comes to headphones and microphones for aviation and some of the biggest names in music they have relied on Sennheiser products for years. It was only natural that they would venture into the gaming headset market. In the time sense then, they have made a name for themselves with high quality sound along with microphones. Their most recent gaming headset the PC-350 is their top dog with full over the ear cups that I love so much. After a little begging they sent a pair for me to try out, let's see if they live up to their reputation.

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Gameskulls GS-1 Tactical Helmet

IMG_5312 [lr] [lrsm]Over the past few years I have reviewed a wide variety of gaming headsets. On our trip to Million Man Lan a few weeks ago I saw something that really caught my eye. A couple people where wearing helmets with built in headsets. Apparently a company called GameSkulls was showing off a couple of their first product. After trying them out myself and talking with Gus from GameSkulls my interest was definitely peaked. Before we left Gus dropped one off at my desk for me to checkout, Now I don't have to worry about being attacked by my wife while playing my games.

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2XL Brickyard Headphones

IMG_4866 [lr] [lrsm]When it comes to high quality headphones you will almost always find yourself balancing great sound quality, comfort, and price. Recently Skullcandy introduced 2XL, a brand focusing on individually styled headphones at prices anyone can afford. Being a big fan of over the ear headphones I was excited to have a chance to take a closer look at their Brickyard style headphones, a DJ-style headphone that is according to 2XL "DJ-style headphone with over-ear design, comfort headband suspension and full dynamic acoustic range".

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