CMStorm Ceres 500 Gaming Headset

Quality sound and a comfortable fit aren’t exclusive to just PC gaming but for the most part finding the same experience in a console headset can be difficult and expensive. For most, owning a set of quality headsets for both your console and your PC simply isn’t cost effective. Today we take a look at the Ceres 500 from Cooler Master that looks to buck the trend and proved a quality experience to both platforms with the ability to switch between them on the fly. Is this performance too good to be true? We will find out.

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Func HS-260 Gaming Headset

We recently took a look at a gaming mechanical keyboard from an unlikely source, Func. In that review we also made allusions to Func bringing their design focus of innovative functionality without gimmicks to a whole range of gaming peripherals. Today we are here with the final piece of hardware in this new Func collection, the HS-260 Gaming Headset. Will Func continue to impress us with their new line of "Functionality. Perfected." peripherals or will audio prove to be their downfall. Let’s find out as we take an in depth look at the HS-260 Gaming headset.

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SteelSeries Siberia Elite

­­­­­It’s really hard to believe that the SteelSeries Siberia v2’s that we know and love have been out for over four years now. In that time most of you have rebuilt your PC at least once, have played countless game, and even lived through the Harlem Shake and Gangnam Style. So after all of that, I’m not surprised that SteelSeries is finally introducing another Siberia model to sell alongside of the v2. I have been looking forward to seeing what SteelSeries could do with their latest Siberia headset, let’s dive in and see what they are all about and see if they live up to their Elite name.

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CM Storm Ceres-300 Headset

The gaming headset market is flooded but conventional wisdom has always been that if you want quality sound and a comfortable fit you are going to have to pay a little bit more for it. Today, however, we review an introductory model from Cooler Master that promises all the performance and comfort you’d expect in a mid-range headset at a price tag of under $30. The Ceres 300 is a follow-up to the Ceres 400 and comes with a more streamlined look and feel. Everything you’d expect to see in a head twice the price seems present but we will put it to the test to see if the Ceres 300 is truly worthy of praise.

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Logitech G930 Wireless Headset

I have gone through a whole collection of headsets in the past due to a cable going bad. This happens when you run over the wire with your chair when the wire is too long or when the cord is to short and you get hard tugs on it. Because of that I have been a big fan of wireless headsets, especially because latency is less of an issue with them. Well today I’m going to take a look at Logitech’s G930 wireless headset. I’m especially interested in how it compares to the Corsair Vengeance 2000, another popular wireless headset in the same price range. If the last two wireless mice from Logitech are indication, the G930 could be a good option. But let’s look closer before making any judgment.

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SteelSeries 9H Headset

SteelSeries has been busy introducing a few different products including a full rework of their H series of headsets, the new Siberia Elite, and even a new mouse. To start off our coverage I wanted to check out the new H series headsets, but with the size of my head I was limited to the new 9H that is larger than the 7H that we took a look at it years ago. With a new look, new drivers, and a new size I couldn’t wait to put my Siberia v2’s aside and try them out.

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SteelSeries H Wireless

Almost every big headset manufacture has introduced their own wireless headset at some point over the past few years. SteelSeries did one specifically for console gamers as well. When I asked at the time they told me that a PC specific model was something they were considering. Well here we are on the brink of a new year and SteelSeries recently announced their H Wireless. While at MLG we had the chance to sit down with them and find out more about the H Wireless and then later take one home with us to put to the test. Let’s see what it’s all about and how it performed!

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Tt eSPORTS Cronos Gaming Headset

Thermaltake has churned out a long list of products under their Tt eSPORTS branding this past year and with each offering have displayed unique designs and portability minded function.  Earlier we reviewed the MEKA G-Unit Illuminated keyboard and today we are back with a headset. The Cronos is a mid-range offering looking to deliver on the brands staples while also offering clear audio and voice communication all gamers crave. Join me as I put the Cronos through its paces and see if it is indeed worthy of the Tt eSPORTS name.

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Alienvibes EP02 Headphones

titleThe headphone market is flooded these days. Whether you are strictly a gamer or enjoy watching TV and listening to music from time to time it seems to be harder and harder by the day to make call on which product you should settle on. Today I take a look at Alienvibes by Ineo Technology’s EP02 offering with active noise cancelling features and the promise of high-end sound in a portable mid-range price. Let’s see if the EP02’s have that special something that can separate itself from the pack or will simply fade into the crowd.

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Arion Urban Zen: Samurai Song

titleI have reviewed quite a few audio products lately each of them have their perks and quirks, but one thing always missing is a bit of customizability, something to set you apart from other users who buy the same product. Eagle Tech has recently began releasing its like or Arion branded products, and amongst those is a headset named the Urban Zen. The Zen headsets come in four different designs and a few different colors. Finally we have some options to set ourselves apart from everyone else. It is nice that we can change things up, but how will the headphones actually perform when it comes down to crunch time?

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Arion Foldable Bluetooth Headset

titleWith mobile devices becoming more and more common it isn’t surprising that we are starting to see different devices pop up that have built in support for them. From keyboards to headsets, the most common type of interface used to connect these devices is Bluetooth. Eagle Tech has kindly shipped us one of their brand new foldable Bluetooth headsets to test with our mobile devices. The Bluetooth headset is in the Arion brand of products and features both Bluetooth audio and microphone. Join us as we take a look to explore the new device and find out how it holds up.

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Steelseries Flux In Ear Headset

titleToday we are going to be taking a look at the Steelseries Flux In Ear Headphones. You might think that the name sounds familiar, and you would be correct. Last week we reviewed the Pro edition of this same headset and were pleasantly surprised. This time around, at about a third the cost of the pro's, they should fit in more peoples budgets. But how will the lower cost effect performance. There is only one way to find out of course, test them out.

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Corsair Vengeance 1500 Headset

titleCorsair products are not strangers to the pages of LanOC, and the name is one that carries with it a good reputation for quality products. It's with an expectation of a quality product that does the job with style that I first put on the Corsair Vengeance 1500 headphones. Would my expectations be met by stunning Dolby 7.1 digital sound? Or with stunning disappointment? Let's find out.


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Steelseries Flux In Ear Pro Headset

titleRecently I did a review on a pair of earbuds from Gigabyte. They were a nice pair of earbuds for only being $10. When Wes told me that the price of earbuds can get quite high I began to wonder what could make a pair of earbuds worth so much money. Steelseries sent us a pair of their Flux In-Ear Pro headphones, and priced at $129.99 they certainly come with a hefty price tag, though still at the price point of most decent earbuds. Join me as I take a close look at them and find out what separates them from their competitors and if they are worth your hard earned money.

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AlienVibes W401 Speaker System

titleBeing a headphone guy myself, when Wes told me I was being shipped some speakers, my first instinct was either a portable speaker set for laptops or mobile listening, or maybe a small set of speakers for a desktop setup. To my surprise AlienVibes sent out one of their W401 model speakers. This is part of a new larger line of speakers that AlienVibes recently released. The W401 is a full size desk speaker setup with subwoofer. After clearing off some room around my desk it’s time we take a look and see what these guys are capable of.

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Oblanc NC2-2 U.F.O. 2.1 Professional Headphones

titleOne of the newer names out there that you may not have seen before is Oblanc. They are jumping into the market with headphones for gaming, music, cell phones and other products. One of their most recent items to hit the shelves are the NC2 line of U.F.O. themed headphones. The NC2 headphones are designed to be used with games, music, or listening on a mobile device.  All of Oblanc’s gaming headphones have a futuristic or alien theme to them, which in my opinion look very cool and it’s refreshing to see something new. The different models come with some unusual shapes, as well as colors and features. Today we will take a look at the NC2-2 (black and silver) model and see how the headphones will stack up against many other models and designs out there.

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Asus Orion Pro

titleWhen it comes to gaming, you only use two senses: sight and sound. While a great monitor, or an Eyefinity/nVidia surround setup can cost you $500 or more, a top of the line headset won’t cost nearly that. Asus has sent over one of their Republic of Gamers branded headsets in the Orion Pro that falls directly in the category of high end gaming headset. In a sea of headsets ranging from awful to amazing, it’s time to see where the Orion Pro lands.

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Gigabyte H11 In-Ear Headphones

titleIpods, smartphones, and tablets are everyone today. Just about everyone owns some form of mobile device that plays video or audio. More attention is paid to the device than to the means at which the media is delivered. A $500 device could be rendered almost useless without the right set of headphones or earbuds to transfer the audio. Lucky for us, Gigabyte has sent over a pair of their GP-H11’s. While looking at style, comfort, and audio quality I am going to take a look and see if these earbuds can answer your everyday needs.

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CM Storm Sonuz

titleWe have looked at products from the CM Storm line up before. Most recently we took a look at the CM Storm Scout 2 case. We also took a look at the CM Storm Sirius not too long ago. Of course we know that headsets are a key part of any gaming setup – what is the point of having a pretty kick-ass rig if you can’t hear the guy sneaking up behind you? Really it is more than just gaming; personally I listen to a lot of music via my headset, so that is also high on my list of qualifications. The Sonuz might just fit the bill – today we are going to find out.

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Asus Vulcan ANC

titleA few weeks ago we took a look at the Asus ROG Xonar Phoebus audio card. Asus, with its Xonar brand, has made a big name for themselves in the audio card market. When it comes to things to attach to their sound cards, they are a little less known. They really introduced a new gaming headset with built in Active Noise Canceling. When I hear about this, I couldn’t help but think about all of the times I’ve been at a LAN and wished I could cutout the hum of 100+ gaming PCs. Because of that I jumped at the chance to take a closer look. How will the active noise canceling work out in a gaming headset?

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