Packaging Thermaltake has housed the Meka G Unit in a typical rectangular box, opening clamshell style to reveal an insert with an in-depth call-out off the software included, situated in a cove to the left. On the outside, a more simple action shot of the board itself rests atop a flame spiral, with a few feature badges advertising attributes the G Unit is equipped with. The back features the same sort of call-out, but using the actual keyboard as opposed to the software.
Under the software insert, you will find the G Unit plastic wrapped and safely tucked under a cardboard cavity containing the wrist-rest and a nice, fabric carrying bag including the modular USB power cable.
ttEsports G-Unit Review
Pros: Pros:
The keyboard features the best cherry black switch keys I've ever used. I also prefer the noise these keys make over a silent keyboard. The keyboard itself is very sturdy and heavy, ensuring that you cannot rage on it and that it will not move at all unless you pick it up and move it.
I am switching to this over a Bluetooth Logitech. It is incredibly noticeable how different the response time is with the key inputs.
It has nice back-lightning on most commonly used keys which you can intensify and even make pulse.
I haven't played too much with the programmable macro keys but it is a very nice feature if I played games like World of Warcraft.
The multimedia keys in the top right of the keyboard also help nicely with volume control and playback for songs and movies.
Love how much I can bang on this thing and truly feel like I'm getting the best experience out of it when I do!
Comes with a nice travel case too. That's a plus =)
Cons: Cons:
Out of the box I noticed that my space bar makes a squeek. It doesn't sound like a click like the rest of the keys which doesn't bother me too much, just noticeable.
The worst thing about this keyboard it the head phone jack that is on the top side of the keyboard. It is a great feature, however... when you plug headphones into this thing BE WARNED. It will blow your ear drums out of the water. It creates a different sound device/output then your normal speakers which means you control it differently on sound devices tab. (Shows up as HOLTEK USB PHONE) The only way for me to be able to tolerate this is if I literally put the volume slider to 1%. Anything higher is incredibly loud and unbearable. Would really love to use this but just cannot. Also from time to time the lights on the keyboard will turn off. Not sure why or when because I don't notice until some time later. Not a huge deal either, can turn them back on by going in to the drivers console and click the light settin
Other Thoughts: Highly recommended mechanical keyboard. great company to deal with.