
I went in expecting an all yellow box like most Corsair products but the QL120 RGB 3 fan kit did cut back on the yellow slightly. The sides of the box were yellow and there was a yellow trim but both the front and back are black so you can see the RGB better. The front has a picture of the fan from an angle that shows the lighting on the front and back along with the exposed sides which gets most of what Corsair wants to show all together in one photo. Beyond that, there isn’t too much going on with the front. The Corsair branding is up top and the model name is down at the bottom in the biggest font and they also show that you get a controller and three fans down at the bottom. I like that on the back Corsair actually has a specification listing and this time the photo is split between a front and a back picture. Beyond that they touch on the features in a shortlist that gets repeated across a total of 9 languages.

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When you open up the box you see a lot more of that yellow. There is a small box up on top with the controller and all of the accessories and then below that are three trays for the fans. Each has a small pull tab to help you get them out of the box.

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For documentation Corsair included a full manual which is really the only important documentation. There is then information on recycling and two pages that seem to be added later with certification information. From there for accessories you have the controller which they call the Lighting Node Core, it comes with a plastic bag over it. Then you have three sets of black fan screws, one for each fan. Inside of the Lighting Node Core bag there is also a large double-sided sticky tap pad for installing it.

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