
The packaging for the Sapphire RX 7700 XT PURE has the same sized box as the RX 7700 XT pulse but the outer packaging is completely different. Where the Pulse had a black stripe across the top, a purple background, and the pulse zig-zag across it. The RX 7700 XT PURE has a white background and has circles and dots on it for its design. It does incorporate that same purple color though. Then along the bottom, it has the standard AMD wrap around which has the red box on the left with the 12GB VRAM, they list some of the AMD tech, and then in the right the big red box has the model name. Sapphire has their logo up in the top right corner and again but smaller above the PURE logo. Then because this is an overclocked card it has a Sapphire small overclock sticker to indicate that. The back of the box is a lot like what we saw on the Pulse which is to say other than the continuation of AMDs wrap around which lists more RDNA 3 features there isn’t too much going on back here. It has a white background and a few smaller circles similar to the front. There is also a basic specification listing that just has the display connections and your system requirements. I would love to see the card dimensions here and pictures of the card on the front or back would be really helpful for anyone shopping in a retail store.

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Once you take the outer cover off of the RX 7700 XT PURE you have a brown box which gives everything its structure. When you open the brown box you have a layer of foam on top and then the documentation. Under that is a thick foam layer, this has a cutout to fit perfectly around the RX 7700 XT PURE which sits in there in a static protective bag. The card also comes with plastic covering most of the card for additional protection. There is also a slot in the foam for accessories as well to keep them from moving around.

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For documentation, the RX 7700 XT PURE comes with the same generic quick installation guide that we saw with the Pulse and every other Sapphire card. The RX 7700 XT PURE also had an installation guide for the support bracket that is included. The bracket has the Sapphire branding on it and is bright white to match the card. It comes with the screws and has its support pad already pre-installed. That pad is adjustable most of the length of the support with that long slot across it.

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