Compute Benchmarks
Well, I touched on it a little in the previous section but I also had what I think was a driver issue when I got into Compute benchmarks. Specifically, both the 1050 and the 1050 Ti would constantly fail Folding at Home benchmarks. So today the only results I have are from CompubenchCL. The cards aren’t exactly made for this, so I wasn’t really expecting much. That said the Video Composition was the one benchmark that the RX 460 pulled back ahead of the GTX 1050. All three were still right at the bottom like you would expect a budget card to be in these tests. In the Bitcoin test, the GTX 1050 Ti did surprise me a little. It ended up being a better performance value compared to the RX 470 that run almost twice as much. You still wouldn’t want to fill up a whole motherboard just to get the same performance that you would get from one GTX 1080 though.