If your video card supports it I would skip HDMI at this point and go DisplayPort.
So basically you want to decide if you want a high refresh rate or high resolution. In a perfect world you get a 1440p that does 144Hz but that would be out of your budget. High refresh rate will feel much smoother, especially if you play a lot of shooters. Higher resolution will have more detail, but as you go up in resolution you need more GPU power to push it.
I personally love Asus monitors, but when looking for a high refresh rate monitor this 27 inch curved monitor is 144Hz and is in your price range. The company is newer, but they are actually based out of South Bend, or at least they have an office there. I've been working with them, will have some coverage up soon on their 32inch 1440p 144Hz model.
Here is a link to the one I'm talking about