Power Squid Surge3000 Calamari Edition

If I were Rob Gordon (John Cusack) in the movie High Fidelity and I was making a top 10 list of things that aggravate me. It would include power strip “warts”. If you don’t know what a wart is, it’s one of those power bricks that you can never find a way to plug into a power strip without losing at least 2 spots. Almost every power strip sold now has their own way of fixing this problem. Most of them have one plug for a “wart”. Me being the gaming dork that I am; in my old school console gaming area I have a Nintendo, a Super Nintendo, a stereo, my TV, our cordless phone, and a battery charger. Of those six devices four of them have power bricks. Not even small bricks, some of them are almost 3 inches long! Obviously a normal 6 plug power strip isn’t going to cut it. Not to mention I would like to keep my old Nintendo for many years to come, I’m going to need a good surge protector. This leads us to the Power squid; namely there top of the line Surge3000 Calamari Edition. Click to find out how it worked out for us.

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VIZO’s Cold Cathode's

In the word of gaming and Lan Partys, it’s about more than who is the best player. It’s also about showing off your rig. People spend months getting their computers setup looking sharp so people can drool over them online and in person. One of the many ways to do this is to add lighting to the inside of your case. Cold cathode lighting is one of the best ways to do this. There are many different brands, sizes, and colors to choose from. VIZO has provided us with a set of their blue 12 inch cold cathode lights to review today.

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Vizo Master Panel II

How many products can have a slogan of “No need to go the Back… Do it in the Front!!”? That alone is enough to get my attention, but I’m also a little bit of a perv. Vizo has provided the second iteration of their Master Panel. It’s designed to bring all of your normal usable ports to the front of the case. This could be perfect for people who have their plugs on top of their case. Read more after the jump.

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Primer Caffeinated Breath Spray

You get home after a long day at work. All you want to do is play from games and hang out with your buddies. The problem is you’re pooped, and frankly your breath stinks. You’re in no shape to have people over, let alone play any high paced games. That’s where primer comes in. A refreshing breath spray with 33mg’s of caffeine per spray you will be ready to frag in no time. We got our hands on a few samples of Primer; see what everyone thought after the jump.


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