So here we are, another week of gaming news to round up.


NBA JAM launched on the Wii this week. For a fifty dollar bill you will get a BOOM-SHAKA-LAKA of a gaming experience. I have put about 5 hours into the game and it's what everyone wanted. The same game with new players, updated graphics and better sound. I know for me I wanted to play with the Pro Controller but I wasn't sure if the game supported it, good thing it does. The moves that you have to do to play NBA JAM are pretty intensive that I wasn't about to be jumping around my bedroom. Still love the game but I am playing with the Pro Controller.


If you own the Steam version of Borderlands check your game CD Keys. There should be a key for the Duke Nukem Forever Demo! You don't need to own the DLC to get the key and you don't need the GOTY edition to get it either. I checked my CD Key today and low and behold I had a new CD Key there. Once you have your key head on over to and sign up. Do it soon, DUKE IS COMING!!!


The MIDWEEK MADNESS sale on Steam this week is the MEN OF WAR games. They are all 75% off.  You can pick up both of the game in the Gold Edition for $8.74. A quick jump over to shows that the score is 80/100. I know sometimes Valve puts games in the Midweek Madness sale up there that aren't any good. This week it seems like a good duel of games for a cheap price, what's not to like?


I have noticed more people playing Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 this past week after the newest DLC came out. If you have the game or games there is no reason not to pick it up, it's free! It should already be downloaded if you have Steam Cloud enabled in Steam. For some reason I have always loved the Left 4 Dead games. There is just something so satisfying about blowing a zombies head off. The way that the zombies move and how they charge you is just awsome. I think the LanOC community needs to have a L4D night.


On the FPS front Medal Of Honor came out on Tuesday this week. This is the newest Medal of Honor in the long running series. Last time it was Airborne, this time it's in modern times. You can pick it up at your local retailer or Steam for $60. I was invited to play the Beta and from my impressions the Multiplayer is where most people will sink their time into. First you'll notice that it plays alot like most FPS's. There seems to be some graphic issues with the game but in my play time I didn't run into any problems with those. There is one point that is nice is when you load into the game you can choose three loadouts. After using these three loadouts the player can customize it to their liking. The more you play with one class the more you unlock. I have not played the single player since I did not pick up the game so I can't offer my review of it. I think for the time being, i'll wait and see what Call of Duty:Black Ops has to offer. Hopefully by now you can see that my favorite genre is First Person Shooters. It's always good to have options. That's why we the customers have it so good. There is so many games out there that we have so many options on what to drop our hard earned money on.


How could I forget Team Fortress 2, I can't! Valve launched the Mann-conomy update recently. Now those of us who haven't put time into this game like others have can buy upgrades instead of working for them. Players can also craft new items by combining items together. This game really sets the standard for online class based FPS's. It seems like the long time goes on Valve keeps on coming up with new ideas to keep the community coming back for more.

I am still waiting on some new games to hit the Android Marketplace but until then Tetris is keeping me busy. Why is it I never get the piece that I need when I need it. It's always seems like its three or four bricks to late. I love to hate you Tetris.

That is all for this weeks round up. Hope everyone enjoyed it. I am trying to do this every Wednesday barring nuclear disaster. If there is something that you think I should take a look at or what me to review send me a private message or start a topic in our forums. I am here for the community. Thanks y'all and i'll see you next week.

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Author: Wingless92

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