In-Game Benchmarks
Now we finally get into the in game performance and that is the main reason people pick up a new video card. To test things out I ran through our new benchmark suite that tests 8 games at three different resolutions (1080p, 1440p, and 4k). Most of the games tested have been run at the highest detail setting and a mid-range detail setting to get a look at how turning things up hurts performance and to give an idea of if turning detail down from max will be beneficial for frame rates. In total, each video card is tested 42 times and that makes for a huge mess of results when you put them all together. To help with that I like to start off with these overall playability graphs that take all of the results and give an easier to read the result. I have one for each of the three resolutions and each is broken up into four FPS ranges. Under 30 FPS is considered unplayable, over 30 is playable but not ideal, over 60 is the sweet spot, and then over 120 FPS is for high refresh rate monitors.
So how did two RX 5700’s perform? Because I’m looking at two different cards I went ahead and split the results up. Funny enough the 256 additional stream processors and much higher clock speeds didn’t make a big impact for the RX 5700 XT in comparison to the RX 5700. Now to be clear, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t faster, it was without a doubt much faster. It just didn’t move a lot of games up between the categories. At 1080p both cards handled everything tested with the 5700 getting 5 over 120 FPS and 9 in the 60-120 FPS range. The RX 5700 XT moved one up from 60-119 up to over 120 FPS. 1440p performance was solid as well with 10 out of 14 in the 60+ range for the RX 5700 and four that were playable but not perfectly smooth. The RX 5700 XT improved on that with one reaching the 120+ range and one game moving up from the 30-59 range into the target FPS range of 60+. Now at 4k, both cards fall on their face and only have 1 result over 60 FPS. Most are still playable though but it is clear that both cards are best at 1440p and below with just enough performance to get by at 4k.
Of course, I’m going to dig through the results as well. Here I’m looking to see how the RX 5700 XT compares with the RTX 2060 SUPER that sells for the same price and with the RX 5700 the original RTX 2060. The other cards tested help give an idea of how they compare with the rest of the current market as well. In 13 out of the 14 tests, the RX 5700 and RX 5700 XT outperformed their respective competitor (2060 super on the XT, and OG 2060 for the 5700). The one game that they didn’t want Metro Exodus which both cards had huge problems. I’ve been working with AMD to track down what was causing this, but you can see that at normal detail both 5700’s fell on their face at 1080p and 4k. 1440p results, on the other hand, had the 5700 XT up over the RTX 2070 SUPER and the RX 5700 right with the Vega 64 and ahead of the 2060 SUPER.
Beyond that issue, however, both RX 5700’s cards kicked ass. The RX 5700 XT is actually competing with the RTX 2070 SUPER, with just a few FPS between them in most tests and beating it on a few as well. The RX 5700, on the other hand, was beating the RTX 2060 SUPER in a majority of tests. As for the older Vega 64 performance in comparison with the RX 5700 XT, it keeps up in a few games but overall the RX 5700 XT pulls away, especially at 1440p and 1080p which is were the RX 5700 XT is most likely going to be used.