First things first, I should point out that the benchmark results between our HD 7970 testing and the new HD 7950 are running on two different drivers. That will account for a slight increase in performance compared to the HD 7970 in some cases as some of you may have seen with our last two crossfire benchmark posts. Of course that only accounts for some of it. The truth is the XFX R7950 out performed all of our GTX 580 benchmarks including the GTX 580 Classified and the classified overclocked in most cases. It’s one thing for AMD’s flagship card to beat the GTX 580, but for their second card to beat it is very impressive. Of course this is only going off of our results with the overclocked XFX DD Black Edition card. Frankly in a lot of cases this overclocked card comes very close to the performance we saw with the stock HD 7970, something I think a lot of people will take note of when considering the price difference between the two.