Overall and Final Verdict

Well, I came into testing the GFV24C expecting it to be very similar to Viotek’s GFV22CB that I previously reviewed which gave you a high refresh rate and Freesync and G-Sync at a price that people could afford. That is similar here, but with the GFV22CB there were a list of downsides that you just have to accept because it is a cheap monitor including a horrible viewing angle, a monitor stand that gave me multiple problems with it being bent, and ghosting. Well, the GFV24C that I am checking out today wasn’t just a clone of the 22-inch monitor. A lot of the complaints I had previously weren’t an issue this time around.

The stand design was completely different this time around and while it only offers you front and back tilt, I love everything else about it. It got the job done, doesn’t take up very much space, and unlike almost every other monitor it can be quickly taken back apart for quick transport. This makes the GFV24C a little hidden gem for LAN events. Especially once you combine that with the 144 Hz refresh rate and it having Freesync. Speaking of Freesync, this time around G-Sync wasn’t also included but it wasn’t needed because the Freesync mode will get you AMD support and it also works perfectly with Nvidia’s adaptive sync support. The viewing angle issues for the GFV24C are also great, even looking from the side I didn’t have issues.

There were a few downsides, of course, any budget-focused product will have some. The wall wart Viotek uses for power is always going to be a complaint from me. I would prefer the power supply to be built in obviously, but if not a cord with the power supply midway in the cord would still be a lot better for everything. Having it built-in on the plug end is just a pain and they cover up a lot of plugs in most situations. I also had a problem in greyscale tests where it was inconsistent and the sides of the screen do show up darker, especially at the center. I would also call the monitor thick, it is thin at the top but the way they ramp up the thickness in the middle makes it especially thick for a new monitor. You also have to use their specific standoffs to account for that angle if you want to wall-mount it later. I would prefer the VESA mount to just be flat. The bezels are also a touch thick once you include the hidden bezels at the sides and top.

Of course, the pricing makes or breaks a budget-focused model like this. The GFV24C has an MSRP of $159.99 but Newegg has it listed for $139.99. Even at $159.99, it would tie for being the cheapest 24-inch range monitor with a 144Hz refresh rate. But dropping the price down to $139.99 makes it an amazing deal. The GFV22CB was nice, but small, at almost 24 inches this is right where you want to be if you are transporting your monitor to events.


Live Pricing: HERE



Author Bio
Author: garfi3ldWebsite: http://lanoc.org
You might call him obsessed or just a hardcore geek. Wes's obsession with gaming hardware and gadgets isn't anything new, he could be found taking things apart even as a child. When not poking around in PC's he can be found playing League of Legends, Awesomenauts, or Civilization 5 or watching a wide variety of TV shows and Movies. A car guy at heart, the same things that draw him into tweaking cars apply when building good looking fast computers. If you are interested in writing for Wes here at LanOC you can reach out to him directly using our contact form.

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