The Power2U outlet comes in a very simple yet effective package. The majority of the front face is dominated by the actual device and faceplate that you will see on your wall once you’ve installed the outlet and a bright red circle in the upper right-hand corner denoting the circuit amperage the outlet is rated for. Since the Power2U is available in four colors (White sample provided), you can easily choose the one that is right for your home. As always, verify whether the outlet you are replacing is connected to a 15A or 20A circuit in your breaker/fuse panel before purchasing to save yourself some headaches.
Flipping the package over reveals the back of the device with the provided information and installation guide encased in clear plastic. Along with this is a small write-up laying out the Power2U outlet’s intentions to provide power and charging capability to up to four devices, even the more power hungry tablets and iDevices we may own.
Staying with the back face of the packaging if you pay just a little bit of attention you will find the “easy open” lip in the top left corner. For anyone whom has ever tried to open anything packaged in a similar hard plastic vacuum sealed manner this is amazing. No knives or scissors needed, simply pull and your open. It is a feature I would like to see on pretty much everything packaged in this manner and it shows that Newer Technology was thinking about more than just their product.