A year later has my outlook changed?
So now that it has been almost a full year with the Transformer Prime, I think it’s finally time for me to look back and reflect a little on my experience. I went in extremely skeptical of tablets as a whole. My good experiences were basically limited to times when I was traveling and I wanted something to listen to podcasts on during long flights. As it turns out, the device itself makes a very big difference in your experience. Not only did I find the Transformer Prime to be a lot more stylish and thinner than my previous tablets. But every single time I put it to use I would question why I don’t use it more. My sometimes travel buddy tablet turned into something I would use around the house all of the time. It didn’t replace my phone for texting and email but when it came to gaming, videos, music, writing, and most importantly proving myself right in a living room argument the Transformer Prime became top dog.
I already went over my gaming experience, but as you see above I mentioned that I have found the device to be a good writing companion. Let’s be clear, my PC and even my laptop are still the best options for writing. But when paired up with Google Drive the Transformer Prime with the keyboard could fill in anytime. Being able to write onto the cloud on a small 10 inch device was perfect for traveling or when I just didn’t want o dig out my 18.4 inch laptop. This especially ideal when an idea just pops in your head and you need to put it down before you forget it. You basically have a full sized keyboard and with the help of a few apps you can even toss your thoughts right up onto your blog.
The first time I experienced the versatility of the Transformer Prime was on a small road trip with a couple LanOC members on the way to a small LAN party. We had a car packed full of PC’s and excited gamers. I decided to poke around with the tablets features to pass the time and I came across a full office suite that is included with the tablet. In here I was actually able to put together a short slideshow documenting our trip taking advantage of the built in camera’s front and back for photos and the keyboard for typing in details. It occurred to me that this slide show functionality and a HDMI adapter cable could mean a busy businessman or woman could put together their presentation on the way to their meeting.
All of these features combined with the attachable keyboard blurred the line between tablet and laptop for me countless times. They have managed to create a device that can do most of what you need it to do extremely well but of course a true windows device like a laptop would still be the better option in most cases. That doesn’t mean I hate the Transformer Prime, in fact far from it. I have finally found a device that combines everything I love about my laptop and my phone all in one semi-portable device that is perfect for on the go use. A year ago I wouldn't have even consider a tablet as an important part of our household, now I can't wait to see the latest and greatest devices that are coming out.