Cooler Master managed to do something interesting with the packaging of the MM710. The box is noticeably smaller than most other mice come in. This is a bit of a clue to the overall size of the mouse, but also when you pick up the box it almost feels like it is empty. The box is decked out in Cooler Masters signature purple with a picture of the mouse taking up most of the front which I love. Beyond that, the model name is easy to read with a short description under it. Then in the top right there are three circles with key features. They highlight the 53-gram weight, 20m click switches, and then the 16k DPI. That last one is your standard marketing choice even though most people don’t care about DPI anywhere near that high.
Around on the back Cooler Master has a smaller photo of the MM710 but this time from the bottom which does a great job of showing off two big things. The holes in the shell are also on the bottom and you can see completely through the mouse. You can also see the PTFE mouse feet. They have that photo surrounded with more features. These are the real features, talking about the honeycomb shell, the shape, the PTFE mouse feet, the ultraweave cable, and the 20 million click switches. They do touch on the sensor again, which talking about the sensor isn’t a bad thing but mentioning the actual sensor name would be a lot better to me than just pointing out the 16K DPI again. Each feature has a short description under it and then they have the feature list repeated down at the bottom over and over again in 8 other languages.
Inside the box, Cooler Master kept it as simple as possible. There is a cardboard divider inside that kept the mouse in place. Beyond that, there is just a paper manual and then an extra set of mouse feet. Extra feet is great to see and not something you see most other mice including.