For software for the Dezimator X Epicgear put together a similar package to the original Dezimator. The software has the same salmon color on a black background. When you first open it up you are greeted to a photo of the keyboard on a portion along with most of the main features as well. You can adjust the USB polling rate, turn on screen display on and off and flip through the four profiles down along the bottom. The photo of the keyboard lets you click on each key and then over on the right you can assign the key function. Epicgear gives you the full selection of key function options with things like multimedia keys, opening programs, macros, or even turn off the key all together.
The second tab is exclusively for programing and dealing with your macros. Here you can record macros and adjust or ignore delay times between commands. This is basically standard, they didn’t do anything special but it is the standard setup and options for macro setup.
The last page is just the support page with links to software and firmware updates. Sadly the links take us to a page that doesn’t currently have the Dezimator X listed at all, just the original.
All in all, the software for the Dezimator X is basically the same software we see with a lot of the off brands. I will say they did a better job of keeping it a little cleaner looking where some of the companies put obnoxious skins overtop. I’m not a huge fan of the salmon color, but we know it matches the keyboard and everything else looks good.