Overall and Final Verdict

Now that I have had time to live with the G602, is it the ideal mouse to get if you are looking for a wireless gaming mouse? I think that will depend on if you love the tilt scroll that other Logitech mice, or if you need the option to go wired at times, or if you have large hands. If you answered yes to any of those options you may have to reconsider. It’s not that it isn’t an amazing mouse, frankly I don’t think there is anything that comes close to its battery life in the gaming market for example. But for me the discomfort that I get during extended use is enough to have me looking back at the G700s. That is especially disappointing because the optical sensor in the G602 is great and I love the placement and quantity of side buttons. What I would recommend is if you get a chance; get your hands on the G602 in a store to see how it fits your hand. If it’s comfortable, you won’t find another wireless gaming mouse that will compete for its price and feature set.


Author Bio
Author: garfi3ldWebsite: http://lanoc.org
You might call him obsessed or just a hardcore geek. Wes's obsession with gaming hardware and gadgets isn't anything new, he could be found taking things apart even as a child. When not poking around in PC's he can be found playing League of Legends, Awesomenauts, or Civilization 5 or watching a wide variety of TV shows and Movies. A car guy at heart, the same things that draw him into tweaking cars apply when building good looking fast computers. If you are interested in writing for Wes here at LanOC you can reach out to him directly using our contact form.

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garfi3ld replied the topic: #33309 15 Nov 2013 19:11
Before the weekend I take a look at Logitechs latest wireless mouse. It wasn't perfect, but I have yet to come close to killing the battery as well!

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