Multiplayer in the Assassin’s Creed series has always been some of the most fun, unique and addicting multiplayer that I myself have enjoyed. There is one basic game type that has different unique game modes surrounding it. The basic idea of Assassin’s Creed 3’s multiplayer is that there are targets and pursuers. Your target is who you need to kill to score points, the better you are at staying hidden and stealth like when tracking and killing your target, the higher your score will be if and when you kill them. You also have pursuers who are out to kill you and you can score points by stunning a pursuer or by contesting their kill. You may have more than one pursuer on you at any given time, and your target may also have other pursuers than yourself. The areas in which you walk around are rather small, and you are the only model of your character in the entire zone. You get a portrait of your target, but only indicators of how many pursuers you have so you must constantly be on your toes. When a pursuer is close you start hearing whispers to let you know so that you may at least attempt to defend yourself. If you kill a civilian however you are temporarily not allowed to kill your target.
There is another game mode called wolfpack which is a type of co-op mode. A team of up to four players go against computer controlled enemies. The team has assassination targets that they must track and kill together. The points add up into a total pool to try to keep advancing stages. If your team manages to meet the point requirement for the next stage you get an additional 30 seconds to a minute to track down and kill more targets. If players fail to meet their goal time expires and that is the end of the round. Along with each other, the players get special abilities to help them track and kill their enemy, but the target will also have special abilities. Depending on the difficulty of the wolfpack game the enemies will use their abilities and wits better to evade players.