Overall and Final Verdict
So at the end of the day how did the i7-6700K/Skylake perform? Well on the CPU side of things it performed about how you would expect. It was an overall improvement from the i7-4790K in most tests but a few tests that favor higher clock speeds still had the 4790K edging ahead slightly. Because of that I can’t say this is above and beyond the only option to go with, the i7-4790K is aging very well due to its clock speed. That said I do love that they jumped right into Skylake with a proper CPU for enthusiasts and gamers. Their focus on that market was made especially clear with the introduction being at Gamescom and with the improvements to overclocking.
I was a little disappointed to see the onboard performance drop when compared to the i7-5775C, but given the enthusiast focus of this CPU it isn’t that big of a surprise. I can’t imagine a lot of people who want a higher end CPU like the 6700K wouldn’t pair it up with a proper dedicated GPU as well if they decide to game. The other downside, and this was an issue with the 5775C as well, was the 6700K running a little warmer than past CPUs in my testing. I wouldn’t call it hot, but I don’t like seeing Intel trend in that direction.
So is this the CPU for you? Well I really thing that it will depend on what you are looking to do for your next build. While the 6700K supports both DDR4 and DDR3 I think if you aren’t planning on going DDR4 that the 4790K and a Z97 board might still be the better option. But if you are building a completely new rig from scratch Intel has introduced two new CPUs that should be up at the top of your list. Not to mention going with the new Z170 boards will get your hands on a little new tech like USB-C. Now that we have USB-C in the office I think I might have to start looking around at what I can actually plug into it, then unplug it again and flip it over and plug it back in again. Over and over.