Comfort and Audio Quality
Comfort – First off I want to talk about the comfort because I was worried about it right away. You can see from the pictures that the ear cushions are not what you typically see with a headset. Typically you either have the over the ear style cushions that cup around your entire earlobe, or the in ear style of headphone called earbuds that actually insert into your earlobe to deliver. These headphones simply have a square cushion on the earpiece that is meant to sit on the outside of your earlobe and play the music into them.
I would say that the earphone portion of the headset isn’t uncomfortable, but I didn’t find myself forgetting the fact that I was wearing them. I still felt them, and occasionally have to reach up and adjust them.
The headband was rather uncomfortable in my eyes. It is made of a rubber product but isn’t very padded or comfortable. The material it is made of grips very well, which can be a good thing in some cases, but not in this particular case. The headband grabbed onto some of my hairs and refused to let go causing me some discomfort when taking them off or putting them back on.
The headset did adjust plenty using the adjustable arms on either side of the headset. One problem I did have is that the adjustable arms are rather stiff. They gave me some difficulty coming out and going back in and I was worried that I might break them even though they were made of metal. I have broken stronger headsets than this one with less effort I assure you.
The buttons on the side of the headset were very convenient. One major feature of the headset is that it boasts that it is hands free and with the different buttons it certainly accomplishes that. There is a button that answers and hangs up calls, which I will touch more on in the microphone section, a volume up and down button that controls the headset volume, which is separate from the volume of the phone itself, and forward and back buttons which cycle through music. The forward and back buttons worked for both my music library and the forward button allowed me to skip songs that I did not want to listen to on Spotify.
The fact that the headset is also easily storable and transportable is also something I think should factor into comfort. It is easy to fold the headset and store it in the carrying case, it only takes ten seconds or so, and that leads to it being a very viable source for folks that are on the go. I could see this headset being the perfect solution for either runners, or for frequent fliers.
Bone Thugs N’ Harmony – The Crossroads – Once again we line up to test another pair of headphones on all of our favorite music. This song is littered with mids and lows and sprinkled with highs. The headset did a great job with the mids and highs but the lows left me with a bit of a hankering for that bass kick that we all know and love. In comparison to the other headsets I have recently reviewed I think that this one fails to live up to the standards the others set.
Nat King Cole & Natalie – Unforgettable – This is a very light and mellow song with mostly mids and highs but with the occasional low from Nat King Cole. Once again the mids and highs were excellent, but the lows were once again a bit flat. The rest of the song, however, I felt was excellent at the very least comparable to some of the other audio products.
Eric Clapton – Rush (Soundtrack) – 10 – Tears In Heaven – Another light and mellow song that did very well on the Foldable Bluetooth Headset. The highs and mids were again rather good, but the lows fell short for a third time. I started to notice a trend so I had to test it out. It seems that the Foldable Bluetooth Headset does well with very light, mellow tracks that you may listen to so that you can relax, but with the heavy, faster paced, tracks that you would typically listen to at a louder volume it falls short in my eyes.
Ludwig van Beethoven - Für Elise – This track is also very light and mellow in my opinion, but it has mostly highs with the occasional mid scattered in. I was very disappointed in the headsets performance with this track. I felt like though even it was a light track with mostly highs that a lot of what made the track special, the age and the excitement it has contained within was lost while using this headset. I was actually very surprised at the poor performance of this song because of the fact that the headset had been doing so well with light tracks previously.
Television – Doctor Who – Another dose of everyone’s favorite two hearted doctor, but this time on a wireless headset. The dialogue and action mix once again made for a perfect test of the headset. The Foldable Bluetooth Headset did not disappoint. All of the audio, from action to talking sequences was produced clearly and perfectly by the headset. I was a bit confused though, because I couldn’t really think of a situation outside of testing where I would use the headphones to watch TV or movies. I don’t watch a lot of movies on my phone, but it felt a bit awkward to wear this particular headset while watching a show. Earbuds don’t make me feel that way, nor do standard over the ear headsets, but I can’t really put my finger on what it is about this particular headset that made me feel weird.
Microphone – The microphone on the headset works perfectly. I was told that not only did I not sound worse on the headset that when I use the handset, that it may actually sound better. The audio did not sound distant (I problem I personally have experienced with other Bluetooth headsets) and everything was crystal clear. The audio on my end while using the headset was also perfectly fine, I didn’t have any issues hearing the people I talked to and I had no issues with cutting in and out unless I went too far away. The buttons all worked as they were supposed to, mainly the button to answer and hang up calls worked nicely as a hands free solution.
One last thing I want to talk about is the distance that I was able to use it. It uses Bluetooth technology so obviously it is a wireless device. I had perfect audio the entire time I was in my basement. I left the phone in one room and wandered around the entire basement without so much as a single missed note. When I got to the stairs it started to beep and boop at me to let me know that I was getting out of range, but once I got upstairs in around the same area as I was before it worked again. So clearly it doesn’t have issues going through walls, it just has a limited distance that it will work over, but the distance is big enough that as long as your phone is near you, you won’t have an issue, but you obviously can’t leave your phone in your car and use the headset inside another building. I will say that the distance this headset can go is further than the Jabra Bluetooth Headset that I use from time to time. Not too much more, Ide say another twenty to thirty feet, but enough to notice a difference.