The packaging for the Arion Foldable Bluetooth Headset is simple and clean. They went with a black and green color scheme and the box has a nice sheen to it. That’s a Martin Sheen by the way, not a Charlie Sheen; Simple and elegant rather than wild and extravagant. On the front of the box we get a look at all of the different color schemes that the Headset is available in. We can also see the model number as well as a bit of information explaining that it uses Bluetooth technology and that it is made for the iPad and iPhone. Let’s hope that it works fine with Android devices as well.
On the right side we get another glimpse at the headsets in all of their colors. Eagle Tech was also nice enough to put a sticker under the color that is contained in the box so we know which we are getting before we open it. I am sure this helps cut down on packaging cost since they don’t have to print different boxes for each of the six different headsets. From the placement of the sticker on our box, we can see that we received the red and black style headset.
On the left side of the packaging we get yet another graphic of the headset near the top. Beneath that we have a short list of features of the product. There really is nothing new or exciting thus far, just a clean professional look that grabs and keeps your attention.
On the back it begins to get a little bit more into detail as to what exactly the product is capable of. Near the top we get a short product overview as well as a few graphics explaining what exactly the product does, and features that it comes with. Below that we get a list of product specifications. This list is much longer than the short list of features that we saw on the side. Finally we get a look at what is included in the package with a short list of its contents.
Inside of the main packaging we can find a plain white box. Once we open that box we can find a few things. The two smaller pieces are the micro USB charging cable and the user manual. The last thing we see is the nice carrying case that comes with the headset. The case is a hard shelled case that will protect the headphones from damage when transporting them. The case even has a carabineer so that you can clip case to your person while you are on the go. These are nice added features that you don’t always see, both the case and the carabineer hook on the case. When we finally get inside the case we can see the headset we are after snuggled safely inside folded up nicely waiting for us to use it.