
The packaging for the Flux In Ear headphones is very similar to the packaging that we saw on the In Ear Pro. On the front we instantly get a look at the design of the earbuds themselves. We can see that the design for the In Ear version is a bit different than that of the Pro edition, but there will be more time for that later. We see the product name, Flux In Ear, front and center again, as well as the Steelseries logo in the bottom right hand corner just like last time. It also has the small pictures in a sort of short specification list just like the Pro edition, except these are a bit different as the specifications are different.

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On either side of the case, we get to see more of the same, but something different at the same time. The similarity is that both sides have another picture of the earbuds on them. The difference is that both sides are the same and there is no information on them, just logos, pictures and product names.

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On the back we get a ton of information, much like we did with the Pro edition. The product name is there again, as well as another shot of the earbuds from a different angle. Down at the bottom we get a glimpse at what products the earbuds are designed for, the style of the audio jack, and a picture of the carrying case that is included. At the top is another specifications diagram. Below that is a short list of different features of the product in four different languages. Also on the back is a QR code and a website URL that I didn’t remember seeing on the other box, but it was indeed there.

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Inside it is very clear that the boxes for both sets of headphones probably came off of the same line and were just tweaked accordingly. Inside of the main box we find another smaller black box with all of the products inside. Inside the box we find almost all of the same literature as last time. We still get a sticker, an additional products paper, a warning, and a quick start guide. The quick start guide is obviously for the In Ear headset and not the In Ear Pro, which would just be weird.

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Once inside, Steelseries has kindly located all of the important stuff inside of the provided carrying case. The case provided for the standard In Ear headphones is nice, but not nearly as nice as the one provided with the Pro edition. This case is simply a pocket like shape with a zipper on top, and if you want to put your earbuds in you will just have to stuff them in there. I worry a bit about them getting tangled up inside, but we will just have to cross that road when we get there. Inside the carrying case are two little plastic bags. One bag contains the earbuds, and the other contains the addition ear tip sizes that you can replace the originals with.  The bags are sadly not as nice this time around and are the type that you just rip open and toss the plastic when you are finished, which is only worth mentioning because it would have been nice to have at least one reseal able bag to separate the replacement tips from all the wires when in the carrying case.

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