LanOC V17 Registration Announcement

26 Jun 2015 22:01 #36737 by garfi3ld
Hey everyone I wanted to let everyone know about our upcoming LanOC V17 registration. I’m announcing this a little ahead of the actual registration to hopefully help people get ready ahead of time. Like last time, we are announcing the exact time of our registration opening. While that went well last time, the rush of people grabbing seats did make things difficult for groups to get seats together. To fix that this time around I’m going to try out a new process to try to help with that. Registration will open up normally but starting today we are allowing groups to contact us and request a block of seats. These seating blocks will be first come first serve. Before you run off to send your block request in here are a few details on how this is going to work.

I will accept block requests and changes starting now and until June 30th at 6pm EST. Registration is going to open on July 1st at 6pm EST, those seats will be held from then until July 5th at 6PM EST. Groups that reserve spots will have four days to fill the held spots and then they will open up. If you are in a group, once you register and pay for your seat let me know and I will seat you. This will work best if when people request a block if they tell me who they would like to sit where. If not I won’t know where to seat people.

I will maintain a current seatmap on our forums showing who has what seats held, you can also see on our actual seatmap the held seats.

The minimum group size for holding seats is 3. The whole point of this is to make sure people are still able to sit with their friends. There should still be pairs of seats available. I know that end seats are at a premium for some people, because of that if groups try to take the end of every row I will have to limit group block registrations. It’s only fair that there still be some open for others.

SO, if you are looking to grab a block of seats please feel free to post here on this post, PM me, or email me. Remember that if someone requests a seat before you I won’t be able to give it to you and at the end of the day if this experiment turns out badly I can and will shut it down. I’m only trying to make registration easier, not trying to upset anyone.

The following user(s) said Thank You: Jaymes007, Boomerkins

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26 Jun 2015 22:35 #36738 by garfi3ld

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26 Jun 2015 22:44 #36739 by Boomerkins

I may be bringing around 14 people. May i reserve A1-A7 and A9-A15? You can call it the "Whatserbutt" Group :P Thanks. I will find out ASAP if people can't come. Thank You

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26 Jun 2015 22:52 - 26 Jun 2015 22:53 #36740 by Jaymes007
I need 10 seats, from the two ends seats near the middle of the room on over to the right on your seat map, if possible (first 5 face-to-face pairs of seats).
Last edit: 26 Jun 2015 22:53 by Jaymes007.

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26 Jun 2015 22:54 #36741 by garfi3ld
James what row letter were you looking at?


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26 Jun 2015 23:01 #36742 by Jaymes007
Row B sorry … if it's sold already then Row C.

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26 Jun 2015 23:08 - 26 Jun 2015 23:09 #36743 by garfi3ld
Last edit: 26 Jun 2015 23:09 by garfi3ld.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jaymes007

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26 Jun 2015 23:09 #36744 by Twodavez
This is a really good idea, and thank you Wes and LAN OC staff for taking the extra time and effort to ensure we can sit by our friends.

“Always do right. This will gratify some people and astonish the rest.” - Mark Twain
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreyvas, Boomerkins

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27 Jun 2015 00:48 #36745 by Dreyvas
I'll take 9 seats in D, please.

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27 Jun 2015 05:45 - 27 Jun 2015 05:46 #36746 by garfi3ld
Last edit: 27 Jun 2015 05:46 by garfi3ld.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreyvas

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27 Jun 2015 20:15 - 27 Jun 2015 20:26 #36747 by Dreyvas
Could I grab three more seats in my section if possible? Thanks!
Last edit: 27 Jun 2015 20:26 by Dreyvas.

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27 Jun 2015 20:38 #36748 by renegade

Give NeXus the following

C 9 seats. 4 on the side with back to staff an d 5 on side facing staff middle of row.

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27 Jun 2015 23:23 #36749 by garfi3ld

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28 Jun 2015 00:30 #36750 by Dreyvas
Crap, my re-edit didn't go through. I only ended up needing two extra, sorry about that.

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28 Jun 2015 00:59 #36751 by garfi3ld
The following user(s) said Thank You: Dreyvas

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28 Jun 2015 15:03 #36752 by h4lt
Could I get 7 seats facing each other on the right side of H?

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29 Jun 2015 01:50 #36754 by Pinhead_Larry
Could I grab 4 slots at the end of B. Preferably 2 on one side and 2 across. Also how will you know who's paid from our group. Do I need to tell you everyone's name? :silly:

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29 Jun 2015 02:38 #36755 by garfi3ld

garfi3ld wrote: If you are in a group, once you register and pay for your seat let me know and I will seat you. This will work best if when people request a block if they tell me who they would like to sit where. If not I won’t know where to seat people.


Yes if you post up a list of who will be in the seats it will help me a lot when it comes to registration. It will be even easier if you list them out and put exactly what seat number they are going in

Like this:

Name1 B7
Name2 B8
Name3 B15
Name4 B16

I will post an updated image shortly with yours and h4lts seats


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29 Jun 2015 07:10 #36756 by garfi3ld

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29 Jun 2015 20:19 #36757 by h4lt
Can I add one more seat in H please?

Here are the seat assignments with names. I used the same numbering scheme you have on the Seatmap.
h4lt H16
Davey_Boy H15
Doc217 H14
tylord256 H13
Polar H8
Redriser H7
XRedDragon H6
LighT H5
The following user(s) said Thank You: XRedDragon

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29 Jun 2015 22:31 - 03 Jul 2015 23:18 #36758 by Jaymes007
You can drop B5 & B13 from my section. Had some people who can't make it.

Here are seat assignments for my section based on LanOC usernames:

Adam B1 seated
desperado2290 B2 seated
Berb B3 seated
Lilfox B4 seated
Jaymes007 B9 seated
c1one B10 seated
itsdapoleece B11 seated
??? B12 (Just assign to me if you want ... TBD at the moment)
Last edit: 03 Jul 2015 23:18 by garfi3ld.

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30 Jun 2015 19:45 #36762 by garfi3ld

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30 Jun 2015 20:30 #36763 by Dreyvas
Need one more in D, please. I'll get the specific seating figured out soon and posted here.

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30 Jun 2015 21:33 - 02 Jul 2015 03:24 #36764 by BIG-SPENCE
For Parlor City LAN seating:

BIG-SPENCE, friskydragon, Studly


all seated

Specs for my Rig:
Last edit: 02 Jul 2015 03:24 by garfi3ld.

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30 Jun 2015 22:59 - 05 Jul 2015 23:53 #36765 by h4lt
Could I get one more in H please?

Here is the updated seat assignment (I added H12):
h4lt H16 seated
Davey_Boy H15 seated
Doc217 H14
tylord256 H13 seated
Kingcoleiv H12 seated
Polar H8 seated
Redriser H7 seated
XRedDragon H6 seated
LighT H5 seated
Last edit: 05 Jul 2015 23:53 by garfi3ld.

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30 Jun 2015 23:33 #36766 by garfi3ld

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01 Jul 2015 15:27 - 01 Jul 2015 19:07 #36767 by renegade
NM keep seats the same.
Last edit: 01 Jul 2015 19:07 by renegade.

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01 Jul 2015 17:58 #36768 by Boomerkins

Group whatserbutt no longer needs seats A7, A14 and A15. If you want to make those available please feel free. If not I will buy the tickets and do some more recruiting :) Thank You

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01 Jul 2015 22:23 - 03 Jul 2015 23:19 #36769 by renegade
NeXus Names -

C 9-13
Renegade seated
Katluvskupkakes seated
X-Infinify-Zero seated
Pandawan seated

C 1-4

Ronster seated
Maddog seated
Evildoer seated
Action seated
Last edit: 03 Jul 2015 23:19 by garfi3ld.

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02 Jul 2015 17:07 #36770 by garfi3ld
I don't have any direction on who to sit in the Dreyvas and whatsherbutt sections

also everyone remember that this is holding a seat, but it isn't holding a TICKET. So make sure your friends get signed up and paid so they have a spot


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